Making Friends in your 20’s

As an introverted person, I found it so hard to make friends out of high school. I was always that kid that kind of stuck to one friend in a friend group and never really relied much on the other people in it. That was always a challenge, because if that friend moved schools or you had a fight with that friend, it kind of left you stuck. Cast out in a way, not having that person to hold you up. 

Moving forward to when I started dating, that’s when I lost a lot of important people in my life. I never showed up to school and only hung out with my boyfriend at the time, so that led to the distancing of friends. I get it! Why be friends with someone when they’re most likely going to drop you for their boyfriend? But at the time, as a 15-year-old girl, I didn’t see it that way. I saw it as an exciting new thing in my life and didn’t understand why my other friends weren’t excited for me. But looking back on it now, that’s awful. Cancelling plans you had with friends just to spend time with your boyfriend, who you could see afterwards. People who were there for you wayyyy before that person showed up, its shitty. Unfortunately, after I lost all those friends and lost that person I was with, that’s when I FINALLY got slapped in the face by reality. Friendships are one of the most important things to have in life; without them, you become miserable.

So you’ve caught up to where I am today: trying to make friends in my twenties. Which mind you is soooo hard to achieve. If you haven’t left school with a “clique” or group of friends, finding them can become quite difficult. Have you heard of Bumble for Friends? No, I know what you’re thinking, “That dating site?”. Yes, ‘Bumble’ is a dating site, but this is ‘Bumble for Friends’, for people trying to make some. At first I got so depressed about the ‘lame’ idea my MUM threw at me about making friends online. Yes, my mum gave me the idea, smh. I felt sad thinking I wasn’t good enough to meet anyone in real life. But oh, was I wrong.I’ve found so many people in my area who are in the exact same boat as me! All finding it super difficult to make friends in their 20’s. I found that it’s actually more common than I thought it was. I felt my self-esteem rise knowing I wasn’t alone and that I wasn’t the only person who found it challenging.

So if you’re like me and don’t feel quite ready to go and find friends ‘out in the wild’, please consider Bumble for Friends. You never know, the person you never knew you needed could be waiting! (not an ad) 

Mental Health